Soil improvers

Activ Plus

Active Plus Key Features:

* NPK Nutrients: Provides essential nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in bioavailable form. * Live Microalgae: Boosts soil oxygenation and microbial activity. * Soil Health: Improves humus, structure, and fertility. * Eco-Friendly: Reduces synthetic fertilizer dependency. * Stress Resistance: Helps plants withstand salinity and drought.

* Humid climate:
Soil Treatment: 2–5 L/ha before sowing.
* Dry climate:
Soil climate 5-10 L/ha before sowing. - 1–2 times per season.
* Drip Irrigation: Suitable for precision systems.
* Ideal for all crops, soil types, and growth stages.

Ready to take your farming to the next level? Contact us today to place your order!


EcoField Key Features:

* Accelerated Decomposition:
Quickly converts plant residues into nutrient-rich humus.
* Disease Suppression: Reduces root rot and harmful pathogens.
* Nutrient Availability: Improves nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium absorption.
* Eco-Friendly: Enhances soil health while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.

* Soil Treatment. Humid climate:
Apply 2–5 L/ha after harvest for efficient residue breakdown.
* Soil Treatment. Dry climate :
Apply 5-10 L/ha after harvest for efficient residue breakdown.
Ready to take your farming to the next level? Contact us today to place your order!

Stimulanz Prima

Stimulanz Prima Key Features:

* Pure Organic Acids: Enhances nutrient absorption and soil fertility.
* Plant Growth Booster: Stimulates roots, flowering, and overall plant development.
* Eco-Friendly: Ideal for organic farming, with no chemicals.

* Soil Treatment:
Humid climate 2–5 L/ha before sowing. Foliar Spray: 1–2 L per 100 L water, 2–3 times per season.

*Soil Treatment
Dry climate: 2-5 L/ha before sowing
Folair Spray: 5-10 L per 100L water, 2-3 times per seson.
* Seed Treatment: 1 L per 1 ton of seeds pre-sowing.

Ready to take your farming to the next level? Contact us today to place your order!

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