GROUP OF COMPANIES «Hybrid Innovation AGRO»:

Hybrid Innovation GmbH, Ulmenstrasse 77 E, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany

Producer and Development Partner in the Joint Production of ‘Hybrid Innovation AGRO‘.

AgenSysThem AG,   Riedmatt 33, 6300 Zug, Switzerland

Project Coordinator and Development Partner in the Joint Production of ‘Hybrid Innovation AGRO’.

SKYWOOD LTD  124 City Road, EC1V 2NX London, UK 

Exclusive Distributor and Partner-Developer in the Joint Production of ‘Hybrid Innovation AGRO’.

SkyWood LTD, operating under corporate regulations and exclusive authority, handles client relations and is responsible for the sales of ‘Hybrid Innovation AGRO’ bioproducts.

Head Office:


124 City Road, EC1V 2NX London, UK

Phone: +44 79 9998 8538

Office in Germany:

Hybrid Innovation GmbH

Ulmenstraße 77E, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 176 8925 4527

Regional representatives and distributors:

  1. Europe:

Mr. Michael Truksans
Project Manager UK & Southern Ireland
Tel: + 44 79 9998 8538

Mr. Gevorg Mkrtchian

Project Manager in Germany

Tel.: +49 176 89254527 (WhatsApp)

Mr. Evangelos Hatziioannou

Project Manager in Austria and Greece

Tel: + +43 69918346606, +30 6945580681

Ms. Jelena Andrejeva
Project Manager in Cyprus
Phone: +357 99717635

Mr. Rudolf Akopov
Project Manager in Spain and Portugal
Tel: +34 637 608 979 

Mr. Reinis Keiss
Project manager in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and France, Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria and Israel
Tel: +371 26151515

Mr. Valdis Perlovskis (PHD in Economics)
Project manager in Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey

Tel: +371 27 818 188

  1. North and Central America, Africa, Central Asia, countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Australia, New Zealand

Mr. Valdis Perlovskis (PHD in Economics)
Project Manager in Lebanon, Arabian Peninsula, Morocco, Ghana, Pakistan, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Caribbean

Tel: +371 27 818 188

  1. South America

Mr. Antonio Claudio de Almeida Teixeira

Project Manager in South America

Tel: +55 / 119 1560 1012

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